Structure of the Research Unit

  Project Title Project Lead Institution Research Area

Management and quantification of  maturity improvement

Beyerer, Käfer, Pfrommer

IES / KIT AI techniques: Overarching approach for the fast AI-based maturation of immature processes
T1 Construction kit and building blocks for the fast improvement of immature processes

Fleischer, Henning

wbk / KIT Production technology: Flexible, modular, adaptive, trainable production processes, systems and robots   
T2 Physics-based process evaluation and decision support for structural process improvement Kärger, Fleischer, Henning FAST / KIT Production technology: Physics-based process simulation and decision support for process experts 
M1 Systematic over- instrumentation Henning, Beyerer FAST / KIT AI techniques: Systematic planning of additional process instrumentation with sensors and actuators

Learning of dynamical process models based on data and expert knowledge

Neumann, Kärger, Pfrommer ALR / KIT Machine learning

State- and parameter-space exploration and process optimisation

Pfrommer, Hanebeck, Neumann IOSB / FhG AI techniques: ML-based simulation and optimal control design
M4 Efficient and accurate state estimation and feedback control under uncertainties Hanebeck, Neumann ISAS / KIT

AI techniques: State- and parameter-space exploration and process optimisation

C Coordination, central support and  infrastructure Beyerer IES / KIT Project coordination